
Before You Apply...

Before you submit your enrolment application, have you:

1. Downloaded and read our Student Handbook?

2. Accessed our Policies and Forms page, including information about fees?

3. Read the information about your course or program of study?

4. Contacted our team if you have any questions?


Certificate IV in Child, Youth and Family Intervention (CHC40321)

This course is restricted to new employees of Safe Places for Children.

If you are a new employee, please select the area in which you are employed to work.

If you are an existing employee, or have been enrolled with Seed Skills before, please contact info@seedskills.edu.au before enrolling.

Course Start Date: 20 December 2021                      Course End Date: 19 December 2022

Course Start Date: 4 January 2022                      Course End Date: 3 January 2023

New South Wales
Course Start Date: 13 December 2021                      Course End Date: 12 December 2022
Western Australia
South Australia

Melbourne, VICTORIA

The below courses are restricted to new employees of Safe Places for Children who commence their employment in Melbourne.

If you are a new employee, please select the course you are required to enrol in.

If you are an existing employee, or have been enrolled with Seed Skills before, please contact info@seedskills.edu.au before enrolling.

Certificate IV in Child, Youth and Family Intervention
Top Up Skills for Residential Care Workers